Ava's first Christmas was so much fun! We headed to White Hall first for time with the Greers. We really enjoyed our time there, but unfortunately both our camera batteries were dead so there are no pictures.
We went to Jonesboro after a few days there and spent Christmas day with my family. Ava was too young to be interested in presents, but we sure did have fun opening them for her. She didn't care for the wrapping paper too much but did get excited when she saw a colorful toy underneath. She hasn't gotten one thing she hasn't played with.
Ava and I stayed in Jonesboror for about a week and a half while Matt had to come back and work. We had a good time, but it would have been better if Ava hadn't gotten sick. We made a trip to the emergency room with Ava having a 104.6 temperature that we just couldn't get to come down and stay down. She ended up having double ear infections, but she was such a trooper and still smiled and played while she was really sick. She's feeling much better now and is finally back to her normal self.
She is really growing up fast on us and has now taken two steps all by herself! She hasn't tried to walk since but can stand up. She hasn't fallen either, but she deliberately sits down. She is getting so close! She can also now wave, raise her arms for the hog call, and guide you all over the house holding your finger. She also gives big hugs and kisses; she is so cuddly! She got her second tooth yesterday and has two more that are really close to coming in. She's the happiest baby and is so much fun! We are so in love with our little girl!
Ava in her Christmas jammies on Christmas Eve.
Opening her first present from Mommy and Daddy.
She likes it!
He loves football and always wants to play. He's really good too!
Ava in her cute new outfit from Uncle Chad and Aunt Karen
Grammy and Landon having fun
hehe thx